Click here to learn more about Audio Hijack 3 I have only spent a little bit of time with this app and I already know it is going to solve countless tiny little problems with managing audio on my Mac. Audio Hijack lets you create custom “sessions” for performing what seems like an infinite number of possible actions for managing audio. In the picture below, you can see a few of these quickly accessible presets. One of them is set up to record the audio of my web browser, another to give the volume of my laptop speakers a boost, and the final one to record my microphone input and the other end of a Skype conversation (perfect for podcasting).
Save quickly accessible presets audio recording and management.
Audio Hijack in action, recording the audio of a video I am watching on the web.
Audio Hijack makes it easy to manage the audio you record from these sessions by organizing them in one, easy to find, place.
Audio Hijack Recordings.
You can even set timers for Audio Hijack to turn on and carry out operations by itself. Perfect for recording live screencasts while you are away from your computer.
Audio Hijack Schedule.
It is clear to me that this will prove an instantly useful utility for managing multiple inputs and outputs on my computer in a simple and hassle free way. These are just the features that are a click away. Check out the link above to see more of what it can do.