Soundtrap for Instrumental Music Teachers (HCPSS PD August 23, 2021)
I am presenting at the Howard County Public School System Music Professional Development on August 23, 2021.
These are the notes for that session...
Related Blog Posts
- "What Do We Keep?" - This presentation is an loosely adapted from a post I wrote for the NAfME blog titled "Take, Leave, Transform! What Do We Keep from Last School Year", which was based on a presentation I gave at the Music Ed Tech Conference this past summer. Check it out for more resources and ideas, and most importantly, links to the software mentioned in today's session.
- "What Do We Keep?"" Session Notes - If you want just the links and resources from the blog post above, click here.
- Getting Your Students to Compose - Click here to read more about implementing Putting the E in Ensemble and to listen to my interview with Alex Shapiro.
- "Develop Performance Skills Remotely" - TMEA Presentation Notes - Some of the videos in today's presentation were taken from my TMEA presentation this past year. Click here to watch the entire thing and receive the session notes.
- Making Just Intonation Play-Alongs with Tonal Energy Tuner - Click here to read my blog post about making play-along tracks using the TE Tuner app.
Related Podcast Episodes
These three podcast episodes also address the subject of using Soundtrap creatively in the performing arts contexts.
What Do We Keep? (Podcast version of the above NAfME post)
Interview with Alex Shapiro about her "Putting the E in Ensemble" Curriculum
3 Soundtrap Projects Your Students Will Love (more Soundtrap ideas for in and outside of the performing arts classroom)
Related YouTube Videos
Develop Performance Skills Remotely with Cloud Software - YouTube
Making a Play Along Track - YouTube
Making a Virtual Ensemble Video - YouTube