Music Ed Tech Talk Episode #46 - Featuring Christopher Bill, from Classical Trombone
Christopher Bill joins the show to talk about the musicianship, hardware, software, and creative process behind his viral YouTube channel, Classical Trombone.
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Show Notes:
- Focusrite Control
- TEM240 - episode featuring Christopher Bill
- TBJ133 - featuring Christopher Bill
- Halloween 2021: Don't Fear the Reaper! (Trombone Cover)
- Christopher Bill Guide to Remote Music Education
- Christopher Bill's Multitrack Editing 101
- Shure X2u
- Robby's Virtual Teaching Setup
- Royer R-121 Studio Ribbon Microphone
- Focusrite Scarlet Solo
- Adobe Premiere Elements
- Ableton Live
- Clip Champ - video editing software for Windows
- Davinci Resolve - video editing software
- Izotope
- Loopback
- Rogue Amoeba Audio Apps - Music Ed Tech Talk Episode, featuring Paul Kafasis
- Open Broadacaster Software
- Virtual Audio Cable VAC
- Audio Jack
- Farrago - Soundboard app for Mac
- Audio Hijack
- Automatic Instrument Rental Forms, with Keyboard Maestro
- AutoHotkey (Windows version of KB maestro)
App of the Week
Robby - Keyboard Maestro
Christopher - Flic
Music of the Week
Robby - My Bluegrass Heart - Béla Fleck
Christopher - Don't Lose Sight - Song by Lawrence | Dirty Loops - Rollercoaster | How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful - Florence and the Machine
Tech Tip of the Week
Robby - NFC stickers
Christopher - OVOU Business Card
Where to Find Us:
Christopher - Twitter) | Website | YouTube
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